Sunday, January 9, 2011

Non Sequitur Edible

In the cafeteria at the hospital where I work, there's a section called Star City Creations where the food prep staff come up with their own ideas. It's the perfect storm, with so much freedom giving rise to so much eccentricity in the menu items. For example: - Caesar salad served in a bread bowl, with a side of baked beans - Chicken fajitas paired with couscous and some tater tots - Baby spinach served in a taco salad shell, topped with pepperoni My personal theory is that they just sit down and play MadLibs when planning meals. In their defense, it's usually tasty. Even when it's not, it's at least so random that it's funny. If there were a contest for food irony, they came up with a championship entry on January 6, 2011. It was indeed so stellar that I felt compelled to take a picture of the grandeur: There's nothing quite like taking the sacred cow of India and serving it as steak on Indian naan bread.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds culturally insensitive but yummy.
    They should serve ham and unleavened bread, too.
