Thursday, August 23, 2012

Overcoming one of my deepest fears

I have never explicitly admitted this to anyone:
I am afraid I will fail.
Every day, I am afraid I will fail.
Sometimes, I catch myself thinking maybe it's better if I don't try at all on something because if I don't try it then I can't fail at it. What a terribly paralyzing thought.

Left: The original painting.
Middle: The deteriorating painting, before touch-up.
Right: The painting after being attacked by a sweet old lady with good intentions. The result was described by a BBC reporter as "a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic."

I'm not happy at her failure, but I'm happy that she was still willing to try. Granted, a $3 craft store canvas may have been a better place for her to try, but it delights me that she's trying.

Liberated and inspired by her brassiness, I turned my Doing Dial up a notch and touched up some classic artworks, myself. I think they turned out splendidly, don't you?
The Mono Lisa
The Birth of Ill-fitting Tunics
Hairy Gothic
Girl(?) with a Pearl Earring


  1. Did they turn out splendidly?
    Yes! A thousand times Yes!
    You should never live in fear again!

  2. The last one looks a little more like Andre the Giant with a Pearl Earring.

    I'd totally buy that painting.
