Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yep. That solves everything.

This week, I came home to find a surprise box in the mail.
Better yet, the surprise box was from Dave.
Even better still, the surprise box from Dave was full of this:

It doesn't matter that I'm spending every waking minute studying this week. Cookies fix that.

It doesn't matter that today I did practice tests until my eyes were bleary; until I couldn't remember whether I had stopped to eat lunch or not; until I wasn't sure if I was even wearing pants or not. Cookies fix that.

It doesn't matter that the bracket I filled out for March Madness had Georgetown playing Gonzaga in the final championship game. Instead, I have cookies.

I'm pretty sure cookies can solve just about anything. They're absorbent enough to clean up BP oil spills. They're caloric enough to feed the famine-stricken. They must have a use in the cure for cancer, and a role in writing the next great American novel. They'll still be tasty with cold milk as we stare down global warming. I don't know why anyone bothered inventing CPR, because they should've just tried using cookies.

My point is that through the delirium of a winter that's been too long and a week that's been too hard, getting a box of cookies in the mail makes all the difference. Thanks Dave.


  1. That guy's a keeper, for sure. Sucks to be you and your bracket, though.

    1. Hmmm, Albuquerque-Alison, that's some pretty tough trash talk about my bracket, considering what Harvard did to New Mexico!

  2. I love Dave and will have to meet him someday. And speaking of Harvard, I'm glad they won their first game because I'm not sure the Wildcats could have beaten the Lobos.
