Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bless Eurovision. This happened.

Sometimes, there just aren't words to express how wonderfully bizarre something is. I urge, implore, and quasi-demand that you watch this video from the annual Eurovision international music competition. Seriously, stop reading and go watch it now. I need to know I'm not the only one with this mental image anymore.
It's full of pleather
     and shoulder pads
  and a man-dress
         and spandexy dancers
 and a billowy fabric placenta thing
    and maybe multiple pairs of stilts.

And vocals. Vocals lunging into some truly unusual territory. You'll know exactly what I mean when you get there.

This happened.


  1. Finally, an answer to the question: what would happen if Prince had a love child with Susan Boyle?

  2. Wow.

    At first thought I was thinking Flash Gordon mixed with Phantom of the Opera and a David Bowie soprano.

  3. I had no idea sounds that high could come out of a man.
