Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcome to Random, Can I sell you some junk?

On my day off, I left my car at the dealership for some maintenance and went over to Roanoke's finest Ghetto Mall while I was waiting for it to get done. Unlike most malls, which only offer the generic JC Penny/Macy's/GameStop/Food Court standard stores, it turns out that the Ghetto Mall seems to specialize in little entrepreneurial upstarts. Behold:
It is a widely known fact that putting the extra "PE" on the end of "SHOPPE" makes it instantly classier. This store is classy. Classy, dang it! CLASSY!
It's the holiday season, and you've been wondering what to get for the people you love. Well, the classy Shoppe Around The Corner has... um... stuff. I can honestly say I've never seen a place where, all in one small store, you can buy:
Camouflage hunting gear -AND- college sports logo T-shirts:

-AND- plenty of merchandise with Fairies, Dragons, and Skulls on it:

-AND- life-size cardboard cut-outs of Nascar drivers:

-AND- this ceramic drunk rooster thingy:

-AND- I didn't get a picture of it, but they also have a special section selling diabetic foot care supplies, -AND- a small curio cabinet full of King Tut/Egypt souvenir knicknacks! Woo!

Is that not the product assortment of your dreams? A place that redefines your Christmas list? All in one shop? mean SHOPPE...?

Relentlessly awesome. That's what that is.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Girrrrrrrl, you know I's been wantin one of them nascar cutouts, those dudes be SEXY!

  2. I hope you did all of your Christmas shopping there. I can't wait for a package in the mail from you.

    **fingers crossed that I am getting a t-shirt with a shiny silver unicorn on it...and maybe some camouflage panties.

  3. LOL! It reminds me of Kmomo in the Valley. I had to adventure in because it sounded...exciting???

  4. It brings a whole new meaning to "one stop shopping"

  5. Oh, and nothing says classy more than a sign that appears to be made of foam stick-on letters.
