Friday, September 16, 2011

Ooh! Who sent me this?

Do you remember back in junior high when, out of the blue, a note would arrive in your locker from "a secret admirer" and you would swoon through the school hallways for the rest of the day feeling special because someone (may as well presume it's someone cute and awesome) secretly admired you?

Yeah, that never happened to me either.

But instead, yesterday someone identified only as emailed me a link to 11 pieces of Hilariously Bad Art. Apparently, there's a Museum of Bad Art in Boston where most of the art was rescued from the trash then proudly displayed in the MOBA as "Art too bad to be ignored."

Thank you, secret admirer of bad art. I feel...uh...special.

A glimpse into the love life of people with impossibly tiny feet, whose clothes match the foliage impeccably.
- - - - - - - - - - - - There is nothing more perfect than a full moon, the Golden Gate Bridge, a menacing fist, an apocalyptic fog, and a shameless bowl cut. I think I saw this pattern woven onto a fuzzy blanket for sale at a roadside swap meet once.

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This one is called "Lucy in the Field with Flowers," and it was the original artwork in the MOBA. I love how it's like we're unexpectedly witnessing a Marilyn Monroe moment from a cranky old broad in sensible shoes. Plus, I've always liked how acid rain from a radioactive yellow sky makes the flowers grow.


  1. Oh Sar, I'm sure is cute and awesome! Like the guy in blue in the first painting. You should write him back!

  2. Nice art. It's truly awful.

    I didn't send you the link, but I secretly admire you. ...wait...crap...was that out loud?

  3. I didn't send the link either. And Mike B stole my line. Expletive!
