Thursday, October 25, 2012

You'll be glad to know...

You'll be glad to know that it only took a mere 52 hours of air and land travel to finally make it back from Ethiopia! Six hours of that were spent standing in line to re-book a canceled flight out of Germany. An unknown number of hours were spent sleeping on airport benches, like this dude:
You'll be glad to know that at a certain airport restaurant, if you want a Ciabatta Bread Ham and Swiss Sandwich it will cost you $7.99, but for some reason if you just order ham and swiss on ciabatta bread it's only $3.99
You'll be glad to know that never-before-seen artistic renderings of Mr T's early childhood are for sale in the outdoor markets of Ethiopia.

You'll be glad to know that the pay-phones in Ethiopia...
...are actually time machines.

 You'll be glad to know that if you go to the right bakery in Addis Ababa, you can easily get a cake for your Pirate-themed house party!  Or a cake shaped like a furnace boiler... for your, um, furnace boiler-themed party.
You'll be glad to know there's finally an answer to the age-old question of how many people it takes to screw in a lightbulb. Three.

It's always relief to scan over the drink menu...
...and find that the restaurant serves Ho Chocolate.

You'll also be glad to know that the iPod 5... a status symbol clothing brand.

And that Pringles exist in Africa, but they're cleverly renamed as "Mister Potato Crisps," and their logo is the sombrero-wearing three-way-illegitimate stepchild of the original Pringles guy and the Super Mario Brothers.

Speaking of food, you'll be glad to know that I've now eaten spaghetti ungracefully on every continent I've ever visited. In this particular pasta mishap, I was starving when lunch arrived but there were no utensils to eat with, so I was using the cardboard lid from the food box as a noodle-scoopy-shovel-thingy. Innovative. And awkward.
Perhaps most importantly of all, you'll be glad to know that if you ever need a guy to run down the street carrying 22 mattresses on his head, it's not an impossible dream.


  1. "their logo is the sombrero-wearing three-way-illegitimate stepchild of the original Pringles guy and the Super Mario Brothers"

    This made me spit my drink out laughing. (Some of it might have come out through my nose, but I would never admit to that.)

  2. I seriously cannot read your blog while eating dinner. I think I just laughed corn up my nose. Owie.

  3. I was crying at the sight of the matresses and your words. What the heck was he doing? What if there was a princess up there? Oh, goodness, you truly see the world in a beautifully funny way.

    Thanks for the laugh...and the tears.
