Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obligatory Weekend Pictures

Iowa has the virtue of being halfway between Missouri and Minnesota. This past weekend, it also had the virtue of springtime weather best appreciated from a campsite. Dave packed some trail mix, I packed a tent and some sporks, and we met up in central Iowa in order to...
- Wander around the University of Iowa campus.
- Camp at Lake MacBride.
- Wonder how they decided on this amount for the fine. I smell a compromise.
- Eat at this place. Its green awnings and shiny Diner sign beckoned.
- Giggle at this typo. (Except it's not typed... hmmm. Should it be called a Paint-o?)
For your own amusement (and mine), please caption this picture. 


  1. Hot coca. Because the best things in life aren't things, they're stimulant drugs.

  2. Laugh often.
    Love much.

  3. Captioning with a haiku:

    Hearts? Stencils? I think
    my grandma decorated
    central Iowa.

  4. "Attention patrons: There will be a $127.50 fine if you do not drink the Hot Coca."

  5. The best things in life aren't things...as noted in the many things on this wall.

  6. Following Becca's lead with a haiku...

    The best things in life:
    Illegal swimming/diving.
    Worth the random fine.

  7. These are all so smart and funny. Thanks for making me laugh, everybody!
