Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Awkward Phase

Have you ever been new at something?  New to a job, new to a hobby, new to parenthood, new to driving, new to pet ownership -- doesn't matter; just new at something. 
When you're brand spankin' new, everything's exciting. Every step is a first step, and if that step is wobbly we all understand that it's just part of being new.

But then, oh then, a little time passes and you reach the inevitable awkward phase.
Not new anymore.
Not adorable anymore.
Not exciting anymore.
But clearly not full-fledged yet.
Gangly and weird, still making mistakes
     but without the galvanized excuse of Newness.
Struggling through the Halfway-There-ness,
     wishing you could just skip ahead to There instead. 

Here's to dreaming of someday:



  1. From where I sit, it looks like you're already flying. I don't think you realize that you make so many things look easy.
    That said, I do understand the sentiment; feeling Always In Transition But Never Quite Arriving. You'll get there.
