Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clichés about life

It's impossible to fully appreciate Spring unless you've lived in Minnesota. The wintertime here is so long and bitterly cold -- months of frigid wind and ice, all the trees bare, all the ground covered with 2 feet of accumulated snow from November to March. If you go outside for 30 seconds with wet hair, it flash freezes into crunchy icicles ( The piles of plowed snow on the sides of the road are taller than I am, and all full of muck and road salt and little things that froze to death. There is nothing alive out there. It's inconceivable that anything could possibly survive. Then suddenly one day the sun comes out and the snow melts. The next day, the grass is green. The next week, the great outdoors is packed with squirrels, bunnies, and little chirpy birds like something straight out of a Disney cartoon. The week after that, the trees bust out into so many flowers they weigh the branches down. It's like life returns with a vengeance, desperate to prove that it's vigorous and vital, even after what it had to endure all winter. Spring here is more than a season, it's a resurrection. Never ceases to amaze me.


  1. Spring amazes me too. I think it's mainly because I grew up somewhere where there were no seasons for the most part! Though it happens year after year, it's almost a surprise to me that the leaves will indeed return to the trees, And the blossoms, oh how I love the blossoms.

    That said, really I don't like spring. I could do without the super gusty winds each afternoon and the bugs, and the weeds. And after enjoying the quiet of my neighborhood during the winter months, it's a pain in the rear to listen to their music at all hours of the day and the kids who play in the middle of the street and stare at us as we drive down the road acting as if we are doing something wrong. Wanna move to Albuquerque?

  2. I smell what you're cooking. Deep stuff. :)
