Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm going to miss this

I'm going to graduate in 1 month 15 days. Yeek. The fact that I'll suddenly be a doctor at the end of May feels like an elaborate practical joke that the medical school is playing on me and on society.

While trying to wrap my head around this, I'm also trying to get ready for a cross-country move. Mainly that involves sitting ineptly in my apartment, looking around at all the stuff I'll have to pack. On my super-motivated days, I scheme about which department store alleys I might be able to hoarde some moving boxes from.

The problem is partly exhaustion caused by the freaky random night shifts I'm scheduled for during the Emergency Medicine rotation I'm on, but mostly it's that I really like this apartment and would happily just cuddle into it for a very long time. I'm going to miss this place. The landlady let me pick the paint myself. There's even a little tucked-away spot for my funky old piano. And for the first time in my life, I've been unable to kill the house plants because kitchen gets so much light!
I found this dining room set on Craigs list. The whole thing had to be disassembled -- even the chairs -- in order to fit it all into the back of my friend's little car to drive it back from the Twin Cities.
Sigh. Moving on.


  1. What a beautiful apartment. But you create beauty everwhere you go. I can't wait to see the next one.

  2. love that first comment! it's true! onward and upward! :)

  3. Dude, your blog eats my comments. I shall try again.

    I love that piano (it's the same one, right?) such good (bad?) memories of piano duets and studying for music theory quizzes and practicing like mad to ensure a certain someone never got better than us. :)
