Thursday, October 14, 2010


You may not have realized this previously, but when you're out and about in the world your #1 concern should be falling cows.
Could this sign possibly get any better?
Yes. Yes it could get better.
Because it also exists as a T-shirt.
A T-shirt that I need to own.


  1. That's awesome. My favorite road sign is one that is commonly found here in New Mexico "dust storms may exist". Just something to ponder while you're driving, I guess, you know the philosophical presence of dust storms. They may exist, but maybe not, maybe all the dust you see in the air is not a storm but merely a figment of one's imagination? I guess "the area you are driving through is often plagued by dust storms, so watch out" is a bit too wordy for a road sign.

  2. On the plus side, at least the car in the sign on the T-shirt has a driver.
    On the minus side, that driver is about to be crushed to death by that UNNATURALLY HUGE falling cow.

    So, is the driver invisible in the first sign? Or has he/she already abandoned the vehicle for fear of the falling cow? Or, like the dust storms in New Mexico, the driver may (or may not) exist? So much to think about here.

    - D

    P.S. Sorry about the break up. You doing okay?
