Monday, December 30, 2013

Does Science Ruin Pretty Things?

Anyone need to name a baby? My sister wrote a baby name book, hopefully heading toward publication soon!
For the past two weeks, she's been stuffing my inbox with potential book cover designs, including this one...


...which set the stage for the following conversation:

Bonnie:  What do you think of the cover art?
Sarah: It's nice. But the flower looks like a virus-infected cell covered with surface receptors.

Bonnie: Does not. Only your nerd brain would think that.
Sarah: Does too. The resemblance is uncanny.
Bonnie: Is not.
Sarah: Is too.

Bonnie:  Medical science ruins every pretty thing.
Sarah: Does not.

Awesome eclipse is still just as awesome
even though it looks like a dislocated intraocular lens implant.

Bonnie:  Does too.
Artisan white chocolate cappuccino truffles vs. Chocolate cyst in an ovary with endometriosis 

Sarah: Ewwww. Medical science ruins chocolate forever. I think you win this round.

1 comment:

  1. Two thoughts:

    (1) Whoever it was at Cadbury that named the Endometriosis Ovarian Cyst truffle should be fired. It manages to be even less appetizing than chocolate-covered scopions:

    (2) Has Bonnie heard the Freakonomics episode on baby names? It's great!
