(No, not to this guy, despite his oaken viking allure.)
Naturally, we threw her a bachelorette party. (1960's themed because she loves the Beatles)
Naturally, there were games at the party. The best one was inspired by cake. You see, as another friend of ours had been planning her own wedding a few years ago, she came across this designer cake. Yes, those are funky gray mushrooms plunked onto an otherwise okay cake. She thought it was the most hideous thing she'd ever laid eyes on.
Inspired by the horrid mushroom cake, our bachelorette party game challenge was to make the ugliest wedding cake imaginable with a $5 budget, 45 minutes, a pre-cooked sheetcake, a tub of frosting, and variety pack of food coloring.
Our group decided to make a replica of this outstanding Rochester, MN, landmark:
The Corn Water Tower
After an exciting judging by the party hostess' upstairs neighbor, Guido (an archetypically foreign middle-aged man wearing spandex shorts, a linen shirt unbuttoned halfway down, and a leather newsboy cap), we were declared the winners. Ugly cake prizes for all!
Here's the runner-up entry, complete with a Dollar Store cake topper in which the bride is pregnant:

We even smashed real corn into the frosting to give it the authenticity that any true cake masterpiece needs.