Saturday, June 26, 2010

Getting your hands dirty

Once upon a time, Jorge had a steeply-sloped front lawn that caused him to weep, wail, and gnash his teeth whenever it needed to be mowed.
Meanwhile, in a land far, far away, Val was trying to sell her house (a multi-acre horse property 15 minutes north of town) because she and Jorge are engaged. Sadly, she was regretting that she'd have to give up all the plants in her flower garden when the house eventually sells.
Solution? A bunch of us got together and dug out the slope in Jorge's yard to make a terraced landscape, then transplanted Val's favorite perennials into it. We made the retaining walls out of fieldstone salvaged from the foundation of a demolished old barn on her property. With all of us working, the bulk of the project was done in a single Saturday afternoon! Even better, since the only thing that had to be purchased was the woodchip mulch, the cost for the whole project was under $15. The village rejoices!
All of this happened over a month ago, but I just barely unpacked the cable today to connect the camera to my computer, and found these pictures in the process of transferring the images over. I've decided that finding forgotten photos on a camera is kind of like finding $5 in the pocket of your jeans when you're sorting the laundry. It's just nice.

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