Saturday, September 11, 2010

Unyielding Cyclists Beware!

I always appreciate when a road sign provides a detailed threat of exactly how you could die. For example, you might be about to ride your bicycle through a trapezoid-shaped pot hole, thereby crumpling the rim of your front tire and pitching you headfirst along the dotted line in a perfect parabolic trajectory (physics reigns supreme in the world of road signs), ultimately landing on your back on top of four large rocks that mysteriously float on the water. (Hmm...floating rocks. Cancel what I just said about physics.) Yield to the hazardous bridge...or else!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, I see a threatening sign like that and get so unnerved by it that I'm actually MORE likely to wreck. There's one showing a semi-truck that's about to tip over that freaks me out every time.
