Friday, November 12, 2010

Dragon's Tooth

My friend, Michelle, recently mentioned a quote from Marjorie Hinckley:
"How did a nice girl like me get into a mess like this?"
Yesterday I went hiking on part of the Appalachian Trail called Dragon's Tooth. I came across this remarkable tree next to the trail and it made me think of that quote. The base of the tree is twisted and deformed, crushed down sideways along the hillside. It must have gotten knocked down by a storm or another fallen tree, probably about 50 years ago judging by its size. What a mess. But instead of just dying there on the ground, for some reason that nice tree decided to take a 90-degree angle to grow right back up toward the sky and keep on living. That tree officially has my admiration.
The Dragon's Tooth hike itself was great. It's named after a massive spire of rock on top of the final ridge.
The tooth just begged to be climbed. The back side isn't quite as steep, so it was easier than it looks. (No near-death experiences were had!) But since the camera self-timer maxes out at 20 seconds, this is the only photographic evidence of reaching the top: As further proof of reaching the top, you know the archetype of a person seeking knowledge who climbs a sharp mountain peak and counsults with a wise guru? Based on what I found at the top of Dragon's Tooth, apparently the meaning of life involves writing on rock with a Sharpie.

Nothing screams "This relationship has the shelf life of a banana" quite like declaring your love with trail graffiti.

I ate lunch at the tippy-top of the spire, and then the boulders at its base begged to be climbed, too.
It was just a beautiful day to be walking, thinking, and playing outdoors . ...Especially since I discovered the meaning of life.

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