Thursday, June 13, 2013

Confessions of the Frugal Kind

My watch broke. Or, more specifically, the poly-plastic wristband of my watch broke. The timekeeping part of the watch was still perfectly fine and dandy.

Since that watch cost at least $8 whole dollars, I wasn't going down without a fight. There was only one possible solution.

I sewed the watchband back together.  I felt like the scrimpiest saver of a cheapskate. I felt a little like a pioneer darning socks. But in the end the thought of eight bucks won out, and now it's all back in working order again.


  1. Why are you still so cheap? Why don't you start acting like a doctor for once?

    1. Other Anonymous here.
      I'm appalled by several things about this comment.
      First, if more people were willing to take the time to rehab things instead of just tossing them out to buy a new replacement, the world would be in much better shape. As such, how in good conscience can "cheap" be used as an insult?
      Second, what exactly should "acting like a doctor" entail? Spending carelessly? Wasting unnecessarily? Feeling embarrassed about minimizing waste?
      Third, the word "still." This seems to employ that you know her personally, and have known her for some time. So why comment anonymously? (I realize there is some degree of hypocrisy in this third statement.)

  2. This is just her inner-surgeon coming out. She always has liked sewing up broken things.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. :)
      I thought it was kind of cool to save the watch from going in the trash bin. That's a sad way for a watch to die.
