Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thus Beginneth the National Tour
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sherpa's Revenge
Ultimately, I reached Himal Chuli and had the best Himalayan food of my life -- Roti, dal, samosa with fresh yogurt, and two peanut dumplings in a hot sweet sauce, all eaten slowly while eavesdropping on the hippies at the next table who were reading aloud to each other from a book about the five great mysteries. Life is good.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Vocabulary at its Finest
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this man is not pregnant. On the contrary, he offers objective proof that Santa Claus exists and works as a crossing guard in the off-season.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Eggheads and Cheeseheads
In case it's not patently obvious from this compelling picture, they seriously do squeak as you chew them! It's like the sound made when you run your fingertip across the surface of a phonograph record really fast. (Yes, I just said phonograph. Because I'm like 85 years old.)
In short, now that I know about them, I'm a convert to curds. Thank you Wisconsin. However, to my epic disappointment, I have not learned a thing here about tuffets. Those remain a great unknown.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sally the Camel
Only three of us ultimately celebrated our vacant uteruses (uteri? uter... sheesh, have I really learned nothing in medical school? Shame on me. ...Hurry...say something smart to redeem myself... um... The etiology of pontine duret hemorrhages is often basilar artery traction secondary to transtentorial uncal herniation. There, that should make up for plural uterus, and maybe even for the fact that I can't point out Wisconsin on a map.)
Resuming the train of thought now: Only three of us ultimately celebrated our vacant uterusssssssss by reaching the top. The amazing view from up there was worth every step.Thanks for the get-together and the great memories!