Friday, October 2, 2009

Sally the Camel

My lovely and talented friend/old roomie, Alison, pointed out that my first mega-post didn't mention the finer points of a trip I took to Arizona in March. I was out there for a rotation at Mayo Scottsdale (site of the hospital unit with the dementia-challenging black car in the hallway. It's actually a nice set-up for physical therapy/rehab. Disorienting nonetheless.) Anyway, while I was in the Phoenix area, my girlyfriends from college (Dorm Girls!) had a weekend reunion!
It consisted of a sleepover, then hiking Camelback Mountain the next morning, then going out for lunch together. (Oh, Arizona food! How I have missed you!)
Having never climbed it before, I had no idea that Camelback is rather major. Admittedly, it doesn't require climbing gear, and there was a 5 year old at the top when we finally reached the summit, but it's still way more than a casual walk up a hill....especially since about half of the girls were either pregnant or had given birth pretty recently.

Only three of us ultimately celebrated our vacant uteruses (uteri? uter... sheesh, have I really learned nothing in medical school? Shame on me. ...Hurry...say something smart to redeem myself... um... The etiology of pontine duret hemorrhages is often basilar artery traction secondary to transtentorial uncal herniation. There, that should make up for plural uterus, and maybe even for the fact that I can't point out Wisconsin on a map.)

Resuming the train of thought now: Only three of us ultimately celebrated our vacant uterusssssssss by reaching the top. The amazing view from up there was worth every step.

Thanks for the get-together and the great memories!