Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eggheads and Cheeseheads

Any clue what this is?
Half-chewed gum? Floppery hunk of bread dough?
Mystery nubbin of unknown origin?
...drumroll... It's the Mighty Cheese Curd of Southern Wisconsin! Unless you count the whole Little Miss Muffet sat on her Tuffet nursery rhyme thing, I had never heard of a cheese curd until I moved to the Midwest. Now that I'm in Madison, though, I'm learning all about this mystical incarnation of cheese.
It comes in multiple colors!
It can be made into cheese fudge! I repeat: Cheese fudge!
It squeaks when you chomp on it! Rest assured that I tested this fact in multiple randomized controlled trials, documented by photographic evidence.

In case it's not patently obvious from this compelling picture, they seriously do squeak as you chew them! It's like the sound made when you run your fingertip across the surface of a phonograph record really fast. (Yes, I just said phonograph. Because I'm like 85 years old.)

In short, now that I know about them, I'm a convert to curds. Thank you Wisconsin. However, to my epic disappointment, I have not learned a thing here about tuffets. Those remain a great unknown.


  1. Mystery nubbin, ha!

    In utah, they call that squeaky cheese, it's quite the delicacy. My grandparents insist on microwaving for a few seconds, just enough to get it nice and sweaty, to acheive maximum squeakiness.

  2. So the curdy goodness exists in Utah, too? Awesome! Although, call me crazy, but somehow the idea of sweaty cheese doesn't exactly ramp up the appetite.
