-AND- plenty of merchandise with Fairies, Dragons, and Skulls on it:
-AND- life-size cardboard cut-outs of Nascar drivers:
-AND- this ceramic drunk rooster thingy:
-AND- I didn't get a picture of it, but they also have a special section selling diabetic foot care supplies, -AND- a small curio cabinet full of King Tut/Egypt souvenir knicknacks! Woo!
Is that not the product assortment of your dreams? A place that redefines your Christmas list? All in one shop? ...um...I mean SHOPPE...?
Relentlessly awesome. That's what that is.
Merry Christmas!
Snow. And cats baffled by snow.
(In all fairness, he doesn't usually wear a purple and teal poly-vinyl track suit. This was at an 80's night party our class had. Normally, the smarm isn't so flagrant. And normally, I'm not wearing a side-ponytail plus a denim jacket from the Lisa Turtle Collection.)
I'll go out on a limb and say Paris Hilton's SLUR = 0 = All senseless fluff.
Nothing screams "This relationship has the shelf life of a banana" quite like declaring your love with trail graffiti.
I ate lunch at the tippy-top of the spire, and then the boulders at its base begged to be climbed, too.In Rochester, we all hung out, went to the rock climbing gym, had dinner, played games...
Katie, Justin, Di, Zac, Jorge, Val, Matt (Please note that even though it looks like Justin's head could fit about 7 of Zac's heads inside of it, this is due to the magic of panoramic photo distortion, not because Justin is a macrocephalic FLK.) * * *
And then on the last day, for random reasons that none of us fully understand, the visit took a strange tangent. Jorge's back was sore, so his fiancee Val was stretching it.
Then Val found a website chock full of stupid human tricks for us to try. It had a bunch of pictures sort of like this, and we dedicated a good chunk of the morning to attempting them all. Many wipeouts ensued.
Translation: We spent a good chunk of the morning in the front yard convincing the neighbors that we're a bunch of nut jobs.