Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Letter to My Cats

Dear Hubble and Mars, I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but if you don't stop scratching my furniture and chewing my power cords I solemnly swear that I will start to retaliate by making you wear stuff like this: Love,


  1. Oh, Sarah, you know you already dress your cats like that ;)

  2. You ought to start knitting around them to show you mean business!

  3. Hubble and Mars? Wasn't it Hubble and Poppy?

  4. Just the other day, I found myself in dire need of a picture of a cat wearing rain gear, and typing "cat in poncho" led me here. I think congratulations are in order for having the best picture on the first page of Google image search, and also a thank you for linking the picture. It made a couple people very happy.
