Whenever we hang out, I'm always surprised how many people ask us if we're twins. (One guy asked us if we were "open-minded twins." I think I may or may not have understood what he meant by that.)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Cardboard Boxes and Sisterhood
Whenever we hang out, I'm always surprised how many people ask us if we're twins. (One guy asked us if we were "open-minded twins." I think I may or may not have understood what he meant by that.)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Ooh! Who sent me this?
Yeah, that never happened to me either.
But instead, yesterday someone identified only as none@nowhere.com emailed me a link to 11 pieces of Hilariously Bad Art. Apparently, there's a Museum of Bad Art in Boston where most of the art was rescued from the trash then proudly displayed in the MOBA as "Art too bad to be ignored."
Thank you, secret admirer of bad art. I feel...uh...special.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Basking in Centuries of Culture

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A quilt is a hug
- Marc is showing me his favorite blanket.
- Matthew has just informed me he has no intention of wearing clothes at the park. I wonder why 3 year olds all seem to revert to a firm nudist philosophy after spending the first couple of years pretty ambivalent about clothes?
- Miriam is demonstrating that her favorite and best word is "Cheese."
Janene lives on the Air Force base. As an honored guest there, they let me fly one of the planes.
Leaving was bittersweet. My roommates from sophomore year in college may remember Printer Man: Alison's talking printer that spoke in a stale electronic voice to notify you when printing was complete, or when it was time to replace the paper or ink. Naturally (...naturally???), it became a running joke in our apartment that Printer Man was my one and only love. *Swoon.* Alas, Printer Man and I never dated. But since then, Printer Man has been followed by a select but compelling group of other inanimate one-and-only-loves, including the Wooden Doorstop Man in Ghana, and now the plastic Crosswalk Reminder Guy on my sister's streetcorner. We shared tender goodbyes before I left Arkansas.
I may never see him again. But my street-crossing habits are forever changed.
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The surprise of the weekend came when Janene started apologizing, saying "I have your favorite old Smurf quilt here from when we were kids, and I'm sorry I haven't given it back to you all these years." I had zero recollection of a favorite old quilt, let alone a Smurf quilt.
Then she pulled this out of the closet and suddenly all the memories of it flooded back. The day our Mom took me to Western Drug (our podunk town's pharmacy/books/decor/taxidermy/fabric store of choice) and let me pick out cloth for her to make into a quilt of my very own. How I carried it around everywhere. How I took it up on the roof once to watch a meteor shower with my Dad. How I threw up all over it once when I had stomach flu. How Smurfette was my beauty icon.
It's funny how something can trigger memories so instantly, so powerfully. Do you have any memory triggers like this?