Monday, April 26, 2010

Redwing, Jenga Fling, Cookie Thing

Sometimes my life is lame, so even the highlights are kind of beige instead of neon. That disclaimer stated, here are some highlights from the past week anyhow:
1. Rock climbing outdoors
You may have heard a vicious rumor that Minnesota has no actual mountains. Well, it's true. But Redwing, MN, does have an awesome cliff-faced bluff with about a hundred different bolted sport climbs like these:
2. Dinner and game night
It turns out that my friends Jorge and Val play a really hard-core version of Jenga in which you stack the removed blocks back on top as badly and haphazardly as possible. Hence, the helically-skewed, triple-piled, antennae-topped wreck you see here, moments before it crashed to its death:
3. This hand-lettered sign for cookies
An innocent descriptor of the cookie variety? Or an ominous warning about where these cookies have been? I don't know. All I know is that there's a very unfortunate space in the middle of that first word there. And yes, I realize that giggling about this in the middle of the convenience store (...and then taking a picture of it, no less) makes me, like, 6 years old.


  1. Ha ha, I would have taken a picture too! FYI I just left another comment on your other post a few down, just in case you don't have your comments sent to your email...

  2. Cool! I knew you climbed a lot at the gym, but when did you start climbing outside?

    Also, those cookies... LOL!

