Sunday, January 13, 2013

Barbie: Our scientific role model

Over Christmas break, Dave and I went to the Science Center, which is both free and amazing.

Behold how architecturally talented we are! We built the St Louis Arch in mere minutes. (Please overlook the fact that it's made out of numbered foam blocks and located in the children's section of the museum, and just pretend we're really talented. Thanks.)

More importantly, behold Astronaut Barbie!

Her museum archive caption reads as follows:

"Astronaut Barbie, 1986.
Glamorous astronaut outfit modeled after Buck Rogers, with 'Ming the Merciless' shoulders, and intergalactic glitter.
Names include: 'Welcome to Venus' and 'Galaxy a Go-Go.'
Two costumes: Short dress, slacks, boots."
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If children learn nothing else from the Saint Louis Science Center, let it be this:
Never ever leave the planet without putting on your intergalactic glitter.
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1 comment:

  1. Where can I buy Intergalactic Glitter? I'm fresh out.
    For that matter, how can I get a set of Ming the Merciless shoulders?
