Monday, November 9, 2009

An Ode to Frankie Furter

I just got back from interviewing at the Milwaukee Eye Institute. It's a really fun, vibrant place! Somehow, I had always pictured Milwaukee as a gritty, smoggy, industrial city, a la Detroit. It turns out to be full of really gorgeous architecture and remarkably bland Bus People.
Here's a shot of the Gesu Cathedral near the Marquette University campus. It's truly stunning in person.
In a modern groovy contrast, here's the Milwaukee Art Museum which is down by the Lake Michigan waterfront. It's designed with these incredible mobile wings (apparently it's called the "brise soleil" if you're feeling fancy-pants). The wing/sail opens to a span of over 200 feet in the daytime, then folds to close over the building at night or in nasty weather.

Lastly, taking its place in Wisconsin's triple crown of Bratwurst, Cheese, and Baseball...

In what might be the most awesome sports tradition ever, they have Sausage Races at the Miller Park home games. Five people in 7-foot-tall sausage costumes race around the stadium in a battle for sausage-y fame and glory. Frankie Furter the Hot Dog is currently in the lead for the 2009 season.

A link for your reading enjoyment and athletic education:


  1. The Art Museum is just seeping creativty!

  2. HA! Klement's Racing Sausages?! That has got to be the most hysterical thing I've read in a long time! It would be such an honor to compete in that, don't you think? I bet Olympic athletes vie for the privilege. LOL!
    ~ Erin

  3. "It's actually pronounced Mee lee wah kay." (from Wayne's World)

    Blissfest is... a festival of Bliss. Also, just a lot of little boutiques and shops and crafty stuff, held in downtown Mesa once a year. Also, a bull riding machine. Because what is blissful about a festival without one? Nothing.
